Friday, October 9, 2009

A mighty fine life, indeed.

While trying to come up with a cute name for my blog I couldn't really find anything that sounded just right. "Lindsay's Life" sounds absolutely boring, and I'm pretty sure that's what I called my first website I made on geocities when I was 13. So that was out. I tried to come up with some titles that incorporate my last name but they ended up sounding like an advertising slogan for a certain beer company.

So, how did I settle on "A Mighty Fine Life"?

Well, one of my favorite movies of all time is Newsies, the Disney musical about newsboys in NYC at the turn of the century. I have fond memories of watching it in the movie theater when I was 8 or 9 and absolutely loving it - dancing and singing to all the songs. Since then, I've seen it over a hundred times. It doesn't hurt that gorgeous Christian Bale is in it!

The opening song "Carrying the Banner" is one of my favorites because it introduces all the characters - well, one of the lines in the chorus is "a mighty fine life!"

I thought it summed up what I think about my own existence - very lucky and happy with where I am with a nod to a fun little movie I love!

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