Monday, January 4, 2010

Goals not Resolutions

My Reasons to Change and Things that Need to Change

Reasons I want to get back in shape:

1. I want to have more energy and feel stronger and more fit
2. I want get in great shape for summer so I can feel comfortable in shorts and swimsuits
3. I want to get to my goal weight in preparation of maybe getting pregnant sometime in 2010 or 2011.

Patterns of action I must transform to successfully achieve my goals:

Old Pattern: Eating out or eating treats at work
New Pattern: Packing everyday and planning meals ahead

Old Pattern: Skipping workouts or not giving 100%
New Pattern: Working out hard each workout and constantly increasing weight/intensity

Old Pattern: Staying up too late
New Pattern: Go to bed at 11, get up earlier

How I'm going to do it...

* I will plan meals ahead and log my meals daily in LoseIt app on iPod touch and post to the accountability blog with my 2 coworkers; stay under my calories each day

* I will drink 2 liters of water each day

* I will take my multivitamin and fish oil daily

* I will do cardio and abs 3 days a week for 20-30 minutes at a high intensity (burn at least 300 calories)

* I will do weight training 3 days a week (upper, lower and plyometrics)

* I can take one free day or two free meals each week, other than that I will follow Body For Life meals (6 small meals a day)

* I will weigh myself each week and take measurements every other week.

* Walk at lunch at least 3 times per week for 15-20 mins

By March 5, I will...

*Have lost at least 10 lbs, aiming for 15
*Feel comfortable in a swim suit for hot tub on spring break in Gatlinburg
*Look and feel better in clothes and be able to wear some more of my pants that don't fit!

By April 1, I will...

* have lost between 15-20 lbs.
* be able to wear size 6 pants/skirts
* be ready to run another 5K with a better time than '09
* feel lighter and more athletic

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